Ricky's Fish Taco's did a special one night pop-up at chef/owner Evan Kleiman's Angeli Caffe on Melrose on Monday evening, courtesy of Bill Esparza of StreetGourmetLA, pictured above (center).
The menu was restricted to fish tacos, shrimp tacos or caesar salad, plus beverages and dessert. Angeli Caffe filled up early and stayed busy for the duration of the evening. Harriet Ells, the producer of Kleiman's KCRW radio program Good Food, pitched in to help seat people. Beers and tacos sold briskly.
I had two of the fish tacos, which were fried fish in a taco with greens, salsa and sauce. The fish was very light, not oily at all, which is a mean feat with frying. The home made salsas (red and green) made a good dish even better.
Several of us shared a sundae with Mexican spices, which was a decadent way to end the meal. Ricky's Fish Taco's is usually located on Vermont south of Sunset, and is a stand. Several other diners commented on how much they enjoyed being able to sit down comfortably and eat Ricky's food.
The only component of the meal we didn't enjoy were the Micheladas, which were just poor. Beer is the better option and went perfectly with the fish tacos.
I look forward to seeing who Kleiman and Esparza bring in next in their pop-up series as the dinner was not only good tasting but a lot of fun and involved much table hopping as Angeli Caffe and Ricky's Fish Tacos regulars mixed with the many bloggers and readers of Esparza's website.
Ricky's Fish Tacos: 1400 N Virgil, lunch only but check twitter first twitter.com/rickysfishtacos
Angeli Caffe: 7274 Melrose Avenue, Los Angeles. Phone: (323) 936-9086. Website: www.angelicaffe.com