Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Drago Centro wants to give you chocolate truffles

Did I just say that Drago Centro wants to give you chocolate truffles?  Yes, I did. And it is all thanks to their pastry chef Jashmine Corpuz (disclosure: a friend of mine), who has organized a contest in honor of Valentine's Day. Drago Centro is giving their Twitter followers a chance to tweet their love in truffle form during their Twitterpated Truffle Contest. Users should tweet @DragoCentro the truffle flavor that best represents their romantic relationship or tells a story about their story with their partner in crime (and dessert).

How will they judge these 140 character entries? The criteria are creativity, sentimentality, humor and originality. Yes, cynical Angelenos unfortunately they are actually using sentimentality as a criteria. What can you do? It is a Valentine's Day contest.  There will be a winner each day this week through Friday, so that still gives you three opportunities to be a winner. Each winner will be awarded a truffle tower which may include their custom truffle created by Chef Corpuz, and one grand-prize winner – to be chosen from all the sweet tweets throughout the week - will receive their truffles and a $100 gift certificate to Drago Centro, to be chosen on Friday, February 11th.

The only way to win one of Jashmine's treats is to start tweeting to @DragoCentro.  So make every one of those 140 characters count!

Drago Centro: 525 South Flower St. (Downtown LA). Phone: (213) 228-8998. Website:

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